"mintalah fatwa dari hatimu yang paling dalam. dalam ketenangan, jawapannya akan muncul." .:ezukama:.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I've cried enough

Jejak bertapak Ezu warkah 11/17/2009 09:02:00 AM
All of my tears have been frozen
After these years in this pain
My heart has finally chosen
To beat a bit faster again
Now I feel the awakening
I don't look back anymore
I am mysteriously standing on the good side of my soul

All I recall is the moment
Sadness is fading away
It is for passion I'm falling but now I'm back on my feet again
I wanna rewrite the story
Not even what seemed insane

How could I ever feel sorry for being stronger than I am?
I've cried enough
Over the priceless time I've lost
I've learned the going gets too tough
Now you regret love
I've cried enough
What you'll see on my face again
Is nothing but the rain
I've cried enough

Why would I try to deny it?
Most of my dreams are a mess
But what didn't kill me in fact has taught me
Life's a big game of test
Although in I believe in the future
I keep in mind all the pas
tNow that I live in the present
I don't care about the rest
I've cried enough
Over the priceless time I've lost
I've learn the going gets too tough
Now you regret love
I've cried enough
What you'll see on my face again
Is nothing but the rain
I've cried enough

I've cried enough
What you'll see on my face again
Is nothing but the rain
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough
I've cried enough

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